Tuesday, July 19, 2016

too much of a good thing

One of my biggest fears for this 5+ months of Once-in-a Lifetime freedom, is that I won't 'make the best of it' or accomplish what I wanted to do with it.

So the reason why I wanted to take up to a year off the rat race, was to re-focus on my inner self and who I was - instead of what society wanted us to do. To use the time to try a myriad of non-med stuff, to see what made me tick, and what I valued at work and in life.

Along the way I realized that there wasn't a better time in-between jobs to try something crazy like a language immersion program, so that's why the heck it let's go to Korea. But that wasn't my primary or first aim. Travel was never the aim. The long, long years ahead of me were the ultimate goal.

So lest I forget - and thanks to the article that gave me inspiration in the shower - the focus for these 5+ months will be Purposeful Learning and Open-minded Exploration.

Purposeful Learning: It's too easy to while away time hoping for a better life, or a different life, or clicking on random bits of interesting things on the web/phone (no thank you technology). And as contrived as it may be...learning may be more efficiently scheduled in my day if I make a sort of 'program' or 'schedule' for it. Coz I tend to procastinate and work in spurts of inspiration. Nothing much wrong too - overly structured environments put me off - but I guess a ballpark idea with leeway to work around would be a good way to start. And a step up would be purposeful learning - the best way to achieve mastery in something.

Open-minded Exploration: when I'm stuck in the little box labeled Things A D* Should Do, one really doesn't get much opportunity - or tend to think out of the box - to explore possibilities or worlds outside of it. Worlds that they possibly may excel in, really enjoy, or heck - even make a living out of - as an alternative to their current life.
But because we've spent most of our formative years steeped in a culture that pushed us a seek out a narrow goal - then reach the Perceived Pinnacle of Success in that, we don't really consider opportunities and have kinda lost the natural curiosity to explore other things. (Or we may dismiss them as being not possible/silly/we aren't good enough.) So this is a chance for me to get rid of such pre-conceived notions, and make a concerted effort to explore what I didn't have the chance to previously.

Okay some ideas for myself - 

  • Main programs: (1) job-shadowing and (2) language learning
  • Hobbies to devt: (1) photography
  • Necessary evil: part-time work for the dough

Background learning (for lifelong habits).

additional time can be spent on each if i'm inspired to.

  • Reading - 1h, 4-5d/wk. 
  • Art / photography / design - 1h, 4d/wk.  purposeful learning/practice
  • Finance / World knowledge - 1h, 3d/wk
  • Exercise - 0.75h, 4-5d/wk
  • Bible - 0.15h, 5d/wk
  • Daily - events, things learned, things that could be done better, prayer.
  • Weekly - review
  • Monthly - review

Was a bit ashamed to realized that I left out prayer in my initial schedule :( 

Okay this makes for approx 2h on weekdays and 3h on weekends on the above background learning. This is to be on top of the homework/self-study for language for school / work shifts / entertainment / meetups. plan sounds good :)

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